
My name is Kailina. I’m a student, a nanny, an Auntie, and have many passions ranging from environmental activism to 19th century literature, especially of the Russian variety.

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This blog was created so that my friends and family could keep track of what’s going on in my life. From travel to books I’m reading to new jobs, it’s all here for them to see. However, hopefully it will also be a space where I can say things of some intellectual value.


A few random things about myself:

Favorite color – Green

Favorite animal – Manatee or Tardigrade

Favorite food – Mashed potatoes, pasta, Caesar salad, and anything with cheese.

Favorite book – East of Eden by John Steinbeck, Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse, and Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy.

Favorite Places – Anywhere in the great state of Maine, and Barcelona, Spain.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Kailina, I was searching for some of my ancestors and came upon your blog. One of my family tree is also in yours. Jacob Heinrich Winchenbach. I am living in Waldoboro Maine in my childhood home. How did you come to realize that Jacob was your ancestor ? I was astounded to find his name !!! Sincerely Martha Winchenbach Bush


    • My Great-Uncle traced the lineage discussed in this post back to the 1400s. I’m not exactly sure what his methodology was for unearthing this information, but I’m confident in its accuracy. I’d love to hear more about him if you have any more information! Also, does the information I posted match up with what you know about him so far? Maine is an absurdly small state, so I’m not surprised that we have common ancestors from over 200 years ago!


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